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Folklorico Recital

Tickets are required to watch the students perform. However there is no cost for your student to participate in the Calidanza show.

Discounted tickets are available for afterschool program families.

Use code: Schools25 


Se requieren entradas para ver actuar a los estudiantes. Sin embargo, no hay ningún costo para su estudiante por participar en el espectáculo Calidanza.

Hay boletos con descuento disponibles para familias del programa extracurricular.

Usa codigo: Schools25


Calidanza Dance Academy is excited to announce our academy winter showcase, "Origenes"! 


December 6th, 6:15pm Dress rehearsal at the Guild Theater

Dress rehearsal means all performers need to be in full hair, makeup, and costume. This is a way to practice and make sure we are as prepared as possible. This also helps our first time performers get more comfortable with the stage. All classes need to show up at 6:15pm. No parents will be allowed inside due to limited space.




The show will be on December 15 at
The Guild theater 2828 35th St, Sacramento, CA 95817 

Doors open at 3pm, show starts at 4pm. This means dancers call time (what time they need to show up) is at 12:15pm. Dancers need to arrive with hair and makeup done. Parents cannot stay before the show so they will need to drop off their dancers as there is limited space. Calidanza staff and volunteers will make sure your child is cared for during this time.


December 15th show schedule:


12:15pm- dancers call time (arrive with hair and makeup done)

12:30-3pm - run through with performers 

3pm- open doors 

4 pm - 6pm showtime



Dancers will have a long performance day. Please bring water and possibly snacks. Space is limited due to so many dancers performing, please do not send your dancer with unnecessary items. Once dancers are in costumes, there is no eating allowed or drinks other than water. We suggest bringing a sweater to wear over costumes if you need to eat.



Seating is limited so act fast! â€‹



¡Calidanza Dance Academy se complace en anunciar nuestro escaparate de invierno de la academia, "Origenes"!


6 de diciembre, 6:15 p.m.

Ensayo general en el Guild Theater. El ensayo general significa que todos los artistas deben estar con el pelo completamente peinado, completo maquillaje y el vestuario. Esta es una forma de practicar y asegurarnos de que estamos lo más preparados posible. Esto también ayuda a nuestros artistas que se presentarán por primera vez a sentirse con más comodidad con el escenario. Todas las clases deben presentarse a las 6:15 p.m. No se permitirá la entrada a los padres, madres o cuidadores debido al espacio limitado. 


Presentación será el 15 de diciembre en el teatro 
The Guild 2828 35th St, Sacramento, CA 95817


Las puertas abren a las 3 p.m., el show comienza a las 4pm. Esto significa que la hora de Call Time de los bailarines (a qué hora tienen que presentarse) es a las 12:15 p.m. Los bailarines tienen que llegar con el pelo peinado y el maquillaje hecho. Los miembros de la familia no pueden quedarse antes del espectáculo, ya que hay espacio limitado. El personal y los voluntarios de Calidanza se asegurarán de que su hijo/hija sea atendido durante este tiempo. 


Horario del espectáculo del 15 de diciembre: 

12:15 p. m. - Call Time (llegan con el pelo y el maquillaje hechos) 

12:30 -3 p. m. - practica con bailarines 

3pm - puertas abren 

4 p.m. - 6 p.m. hora del espectáculo



Los bailarines tendrán un largo día de actuación. Por favor, lleven agua y tal vez merienda/bocadillo.  El espacio es limitado debido a la actuación de tantos bailarines, por favor no envíe a su bailarín con artículos innecesarios. Una vez que los bailarines están en su vestuario, no se permite comer ni beber más que agua. Pueden llevar una sudadera para usar ariba de su vestuario para comer.



 Los asientos son limitados, ¡así que actúa rápido! 

Performance Checklist


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Folklorico Shoes

Folklorico Skirt


Dancers will need boots, folklorico shoes, or all black tennis shoes to perform.

If dancing with a skirt, dancers are welcome to purchase a skirt, or borrow one from school district.

If dancing with a skirt, dancer will need bloomers or black biker shorts, no leggings or colorful shorts.

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If dancing with skirt dancer is welcome to wear folklorico earrings. These are not required.

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Nude colored Leotard

If dancing with a skirt, dancer will need a nude leotard or nude tank top.



If dancing with a skirt, dancer uses a blusa. This is not required to perform.


If dancing with pants, dancer typically wears a belt. This is not required to perform.

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White Tank top

If dancing with pants, dancer will need a white tank top underneath the white dress shirt.

Black pants

If dancing with pants, dancers will need black slacks or black jeans. Something fitted, not oversized. Nothing with holes or rips.

White Button up 

If dancing with pants, dancer will need a long sleeve white button up.

Theater Etiquette 

- Keep hands and bodies to yourself

-No foul language

-No yelling or screaming (others will be practicing or performing)

-No running around, please stay where your instructor told you to stay

- Teens/Adults if you need to leave, please let a staff member know,

all dancers must be accounted for at all times

-Be kind and respectful to all dancers, volunteers and instructors

-Follow directions

- Be able to adapt

-No eating anything messy in costume

-Only drink water in costumes


Performance makeup

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All dancers wearing skirts will all have the same makeup for performances. Eyeshadow has gold inner corner and transitions to brown. Also eyeliner and fake eyelashes. Different eyeshadow colors need to be discussed with your afterschool program Instructor.








Red Lipstick

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